If you get angry all the time
Are you a bad mom/dad? No Is your child a bad child? No. Then what is going wrong? You need the 3 Es EMPATHY - To understand why your child is behaving like this. How can you build empathy? You need to understand NEUROSCIENCE and PHYSIOLOGY There is always a reason for your child’s behavior. Your child’s brain or body needs something. And that makes your child behave this way. When you know what your child needs you can give it to them and prevent the behavior that is making you angry. I teach this in my PARENTING BLUEPRINT course EFFICIENCY So that you can get the whole lot of tasks that you need to do as a parent quickly. Life is busy. And if you are a parent you need to do so many things. If you use neuroscience to make tasks like teaching your child and feeding them easy, then you will be stress free and not get angry. But where can you learn Parenting Efficiently? Most of us learn it by trial and error and waste a lot of time. If you learn techniques and strategies for efficient parenting, you can be stress free and get less angry. I teach this in my PARENTING BLUEPRINT course ENERGY All the work involved in parenting can get really exhausting. And when you are exhausted you get angry more easily. What can you do to feel energetic and avoid Parenting Burnout? I teach this in my PARENTING BLUEPRINT course. The course is a 5 module course for the parents of 0 to 7 year olds, after which you get support through monthly LIVE sessions for 6 months. You also get access to a FB community where you can ask any questions you have and receive answers from me within 48 hours. Would you like to access this course? The recorded version with LIFETIME ACCESS to the content is currently available at a massive discount Please type PB in comments if you want to access the discount. I am also offering a special Freebie right now which I will share with you on DM when I share the course details #parenting #parentingworkshop #parentingcourse#neuroscience #brainbuilding #toddlers #preschoolers
Doctor - my child is always on the mobile phone
What to do? If we take it away there is a big TANTRUM How can we reduce our child's MOBILE ADDICTION? Parents keep asking me these questions So I have made a simple 5 M formula to end MOBILE ADDICTION The 1st M is MESS - Allow your child to make a mess in the house The 2nd M is MOVE - Allow your child to MOVE around and run and jump The 3rd M is MEET - Arrange for your child to meet friends and relatives The 4th M is MEALS - Allow your child to eat meals slowly The 5th M is MAKE - Let your child make things like tents and holes in the ground Are you allowing children to do these 5 Ms? Most of us don't allow our children these 5 Ms Because we are afraid What will people say if the house is messy? What will people say if my child is thin? If my child jumps around will people say I am not teaching my child discipline? Here is what I want to say - DO NOT DESTROY YOUR CHILDâS BRAIN because of what OTHER PEOPLE are saying Share this on your stories NOW Let those "other people" understand that you will do what is good for your child no matter what other people think. Begin following the 5M formula NOW. #socialmedia #mobileaddiction#parenting #screentime#gaming#videogames
Do you feel sad and miserable after you have scolded or hit your child?
Do you then say SORRY? Yes. You should say sorry. Because shouting and hitting is BAD. But your SORRY has no value if you say these 3 things 1. I am sorry - but you made me angry 2. I am sorry - but I get angry because I love you 3. I am sorry - just don't make me angry again If you make excuses for your anger If you blame your child for your bad behavior If you shout and hit again and again Then your sorry has NO VALUE Take responsibility for your bad behavior And change Share this now and promise that you will never do this again Change yourself if you want to change your childâs behavior Shouting and hitting can never work. #parenting #discipline #sorry
Teens are often upset
And they need you to help them calm down When your teen is upset This is what you should do 1. Listen Don't dismiss them and say "There is nothing to be upset about" 2. Stay calm Your teen does not need you to go and complain to the teacher or to fight with the parent of their friend to solve their problem Your jumping in will only make things worse 3. Be patient Don't expect your teen to calm down in 15 minutes or one day. This is a new emotional challenge. Allow them space to overcome it. It is always difficult for you as a parent to see your child suffering. But if you can offer your calm comforting connection through their suffering They will be able to calm down and find a real solution to their problem. In the end they need to learn how to solve their own problems by the time they are adults. Do you want to help your teen to learn emotional regulation and problem solving? Type YES if you do. Share this And follow me for more
Do you force your child when they donât want to eat?
Then get ready to deal with this - 1. Stubborn behavior You don't listen to your child when they donât want to eat. Your child LEARNS not to listen to you at all other times. 2. Tantrums You beg and scold and shout when you want your child to eat something they don't want to eat. You child LEARNS to beg and scream and shout when you don't do what they want you to do. 3. Low confidence At every meal , when your child cannot eat what you want them to eat, they feel like they have failed. They feel incapable. This then leads to their confidence falling.
When parents tell me that their child ahouts
I tell them to LISTEN to their child And then they immediately tell me ... " But doctor we DO LISTEN " But are they listening the right way? No. Invariably, they are saying these two things while listening. "If you listen to me - I will listen to you." And " If I listen to you - you will have to listen to me." With these two statements they are making their listening conditional. And even if they listen their child does not feel HEARD. When children don't feel heard - they shout. Is your child shouting? Then stop listening like this. Listen without conditions. Show unconditional love.
On some days - do you get angry with your child for EVERYTHING
Do you shout and punish your child for the smallest mistakes on those days? And on other days - are you okay with the same mistakes? Then you are not getting angry because your child us being BAD You are getting angry because YOU ARE FEELING BAD Here are some ways to feel better - 1. Sleep more Don't scroll through your phone. Just go to sleep 2. Eat healthy food Stop eating sugary food and drinking too much tea and coffee 3. Get Sunshine Step out and let the sun power you up 4. Exercise It makes you resilient to challenges 5. Keep device notifications off It keeps you calm When you get angry with your child all the time you destroy their confidence Type CHANGE and stop now. Share this And follow me for more
Do you think
OK let my child HATE ME now they will love me later for what I am doing And with that - do you continue to scold and punish? NO It doesn't work like that. The pain you cause - leaves scars And these scars destroy your relationship with your child forever. When the relationship is destroyed your child feels alone and afraid Success cannot bring happiness Happiness creates success. Love your child so much that they want to do the best for themselves Your love must make them believe that they deserve the best That is when they will work towards being the best. Unconditional love is the only leverage we have in parenting No pain No gain is NOT a formula that you can apply to parenting
On popular demand , I am conducting my
TEACH YOUR CHILD HOW TO READ course Again this year. This is a 5 day online course It is for parents who want to teach their children how to read It is also for parents whose older children are struggling to.read. DM for details #reading #parenting #phonics |
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