When your child does something.
First see if you can LAUGH at it Even if you can't laugh Avoid getting angry or upset. Get into problem solving mode. Weaning to solids is easiest if your baby is INTERESTED in food
Eat in front of your child. Eat interesting looking food.... Relish it... Talk about it... And you will prepare your baby's gut for food For more updates, join our community: http://bit.ly/wpacommunity If you are PREGNANT
Avoid PASSIVE SMOKING Passive smoking includes living in a house with a smoker. Or working in a place where everyone smokes. All this can harm your baby For more updates, join our community: http://bit.ly/wpacommunity If you spend all day feeding your child
You need to rethink your attitude towards food Hunger is satisfied in the first 5 minutes after starting a meal After that you are just Force feeding your child For more updates, join our community: http://bit.ly/wpacommunity If you are TIRED. Ask your child for HELP
When you show your child that you need their help you raise their self-esteem. They feel powerful. And become part of the solution. For more updates, join our community: http://bit.ly/wpacommunity Parents are partners in homework
Play your role in the partnership by facilitating the completion of the homework. Don't threaten your child. That is a misuse of parental power For more updates, join our community: http://bit.ly/wpacommunity If you are PREGNANT don't take any medicines before checking with your DOCTOR
Your baby is most susceptible to the effect of drugs in the first few weeks after conception For more updates, join our community: http://bit.ly/wpacommunity Don't be terrified of giving your baby SOLIDS
Every baby is ready for solids at 6 months But if you look scared when you give your baby a spoonful of solid food.... Your baby will not eat it because they can sense your fear For more updates, join our community: http://bit.ly/wpacommunity If you are PREGNANT remember to take the prescribed VITAMINS
Your body needs larger supplies of vitamins to make your baby. But it is important to take only what your doctor prescribes. Vitamin toxicity is real and dangerous For more updates, join our community: http://bit.ly/wpacommunity Don't worry about not DOING everything for your child.
Worry about not LISTENING We worry about being negligent parents if we can't do everything for children. But even parents who do everything are negligent if they don't LISTEN. Consult if you feel guilty all the time. Call 9611739400 For more updates, join our community: http://bit.ly/wpacommunity |
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