Does it matter how you hold your baby when you breastfeed?
What is the best feeding position? It depends on a lot of factors. Find out in my article for Morisons Baby Dreams Link: A mother on a 10 day work trip calls me in tears. She has left her 3 year old child at home with her parents. Her parents say that the child is remarkably well adjusted and comfortable throughout the day. He only starts crying when she calls. And then they find it difficult to manage him. The grandparents have therefore suggested that she stop calling to speak to her son while on the trip. Of course this is not something the mom wants to do. And her call is to ask me if she is doing something wrong by calling her son. It looks like she is doing something wrong because of all his crying. And it seems like the best thing to do would be to stop calling. But she just cannot convince herself to do that. "Should I stop calling?" She asks me. My answer - "NO. Keep calling." It is extremely difficult to see a child's negative emotions and watch a child cry. But we must be brave and endure them. The child is being brave all day. He is avoiding his fears and sadness and being cheerful and 'normal' But we cannot take that to mean that he has no fear or sadness. He does. And he gives vent to his emotions when his mom calls. That relieves his stress and makes him resilient to face the next day. It would be wrong to deprive him of this window of being himself for our convenience. "He is not crying because you are calling." I tell the mom. "He is crying because he can. He is crying because you are his safe space. Don't take his safe space away from him." Negative emotions exist. We have them and so do our children. We must acknowledge that and embrace them if we want our children to grow up to be emotionally resilient. Does your baby's stranger anxiety upset you?
Don't get upset. Stranger anxiety is a developmental milestone. Learn about it and manage this stage well. Read what to do in my article on Morisons Baby Dreams (@morisonsbabydreams) Link : Speaking yesterday at a panel discussion on
"Diabetic friendly baking" Which was part of India's only healthy baking conference #OMBCDiscover2021 (@ovenderfulmombakers) Who needs to eat diabetic friendly bakes? All of us. Because diabetic friendly baking is healthy for all of us. All of us need to understand how to bake keeping the GI and the GL low. All of us need to ensure that our bakes are not just a mass of refined sugar, refined flour and poor quality fat. All of us need to ensure that our bakes deliver the good carbs, high biological value proteins, good fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber that our bodies need. Are there ways to do that without our bakes tasting bland and unappetizing? Yes there are. And that is what we talked about in our panel discussion. A huge thanks to Dr. Kishan Delampady(@drkishanendo) Dr. Sweekritha Bhat and Dr. Smruti Nalawadi(@smrutinalawadi) for generously sharing lots and lots of extremely valuable articles that helped me to prepare for this talk. And thank you Simran(@sim_ovenderful) for giving me the opportunity to be part of this esteemed panel. I learned so much through my research and through the discussion. December 3rd was the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
And it was my proud privilege to be part of this video on White Print created by Beautiful News. White print(@whiteprintmag) is a lifestyle magazine in Braille created by Upasana Sharat(@upasanamakati) I have been blessed to be a part of its efforts at creating a more equal world and prioritizing #inclusionanddiversity. Being included in mainstream life is not an act of kindness that the disabled need from us. It is their right to be included. Unfortunately being inclusive continues to be about kindness and charity - which is frequently withdrawn when it is inconvenient for the able. The COVID 19 pandemic has been a shameful example. Being inclusive is one of our greatest needs today. And not because the disabled need our kindness - but because we stand to gain so much when we live in a diverse world and learn to be inclusive. Empathy is the currency of the future. Empathy is what we will need to thrive in the new world. If we don't cultivate empathy by learning to be inclusive - we will be reduced to just surviving instead of thriving. Thank you Geeta C Yadav(@geetayadavgcy) for introducing me to this beautiful attempt at inclusion. More power to you team White Print (@whiteprintmag) May you continue to create the unmatched joy of leafing through a magazine for many many more. Link: Sleepless during pregnancy?
Here are some tips to avoid the tossing and turning in bed |
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