December 3rd was the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
And it was my proud privilege to be part of this video on White Print created by Beautiful News. White print(@whiteprintmag) is a lifestyle magazine in Braille created by Upasana Sharat(@upasanamakati) I have been blessed to be a part of its efforts at creating a more equal world and prioritizing #inclusionanddiversity. Being included in mainstream life is not an act of kindness that the disabled need from us. It is their right to be included. Unfortunately being inclusive continues to be about kindness and charity - which is frequently withdrawn when it is inconvenient for the able. The COVID 19 pandemic has been a shameful example. Being inclusive is one of our greatest needs today. And not because the disabled need our kindness - but because we stand to gain so much when we live in a diverse world and learn to be inclusive. Empathy is the currency of the future. Empathy is what we will need to thrive in the new world. If we don't cultivate empathy by learning to be inclusive - we will be reduced to just surviving instead of thriving. Thank you Geeta C Yadav(@geetayadavgcy) for introducing me to this beautiful attempt at inclusion. More power to you team White Print (@whiteprintmag) May you continue to create the unmatched joy of leafing through a magazine for many many more. Link: |
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