There are a zillion reasons why I love conducting #parentingworkshops at Trio Tots Preschool Sahakar Nagar.
And that is why my heart jumps with joy every time I hear from Tots Head Greshma Geeta Bharat Momaya and she shares a topic she would like me to speak on. This time - the topic she gave me was - "How to maximize learning when preschool is online" And she asked me to focus on how parents can facilitate learning by building children's social and emotional skills. Yes social and emotional skills are crucial for learning. Children can only use their thinking brains when they can control their emotions using their emotional skills. And children can only acquire knowledge when they are connected with the other person (teacher) - through their social skills. The isolation mandated by the pandemic has had an impact on children's social and emotional skills. And this has the potential to impact learning. I love the way Trio Schools are rising to overcome this challenge. Last month I conducted a workshop for the teachers of Trio Tots - to help them to build a successful social and emotional connect with children. And today I helped parents understand how they can help their children build this connect with their teachers. I love how Trio is making the effort to ensure that everyone involved is putting in the effort to ensure that learning happens in the best possible way. Extremely grateful for this opportunity to contribute towards making early learning a beautiful and impactful experience despite the current challenges. |
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