Quiz time
Do you know that bugs can be present even in food that is not visibly spoilt? Do you know that many of these invisible bugs can cause food poisoning? And do you know that just following a few ground rules while cooking and eating can ensure that you never suffer from food poisoning? If you don’t – it is time to find out. Food Poisoning is ugly Bugs can contaminate any food that is not properly cleaned, cooked and stored. You can get food poisoning when you eat or drink something with these harmful bugs in it. Stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhoea and less frequently fever headache and body ache follow which can lead to dehydration and exhaustion. Looks are deceptive Food that is contaminated by food poisoning bugs will not necessarily look or smelled spoiled. Food spoiling bugs cause decay which is visible. These bugs are different from the bugs that cause food borne diseases. The bugs causing food poisoning can be present in food that smells and tastes good and so it is vital not to abandon the golden rules. Kitchen rules you should follow Whether you cook yourself or employ someone to cook for you, ensure that the “Clean, Cook, Chill and Separate” mantra is diligently followed. Clean Wash everything thoroughly. Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food, using the toilet, changing a diaper or touching a pet animal. Also clean all raw food and chopping boards thoroughly. Cook Cook everything for long periods to ensure that no area remains raw. When reheating and cooking ready to eat food, heat until the food is steaming hot. Inadequately micro waved food breeds food poisoning bugs. Chill Chill everything that is perishable (including eggs) in a refrigerator that is functioning well. Food left on counter tops for long periods is dangerous as are perishables stored beyond 4 days. When defrosting, defrost in a refrigerator or in cold water – never at Room Temperature. If you are using the microwave, cook the defrosted food immediately. Separate Never mix raw and cooked food as bugs can easily move from raw to cooked food. Also use separate chopping boards and knives for vegetables and meat. When shopping, use plastic bags to separate the raw meat, poultry and seafood from other groceries in your shopping cart. Their juices must not come into contact with other food. Stay healthy – stay safe. |
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