Motherhood is just so hard Doctor."
An exhausted mom said at yesterday's consultation. "I have done so much in life. I have achieved business targets - managed large teams - stuck to crazy deadlines. I would really say I have done it all - and loved all the challenges. And now suddenly I am not able to manage ONE baby!! I have begun to question my capability and I wonder how I will ever go back to work. Will I ever be able to work if I can't even manage my baby while I am not working?" She asked me. My answer - "Oh yes you will !!!! Motherhood is tough - but it is incredibly rewarding as well. Unfortunately a lot of times we miss out on the rewards of motherhood because we are not physically mentally and emotionally prepared for all the work and the challenges that come with motherhood. And that is why we find motherhood overwhelming, exhausting and difficult. You must have trained for so many years - to be as good as you were at the workplace. If you train for motherhood you will begin to love the challenges that motherhood brings along too." That is why I conduct prenatal classes, infant care classes and toddler and preschooler parenting classes. Attending them and learning all about yourself and your child at every stage of parenting is the secret to relishing the parenting experience. Reach out for a session if you are struggling |
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