At yesterday's consultation - a 10 year old burst into tears as she recalled being bullied because the outline of her panty was seen through her leggings as she played.
The mindset of the bully - (another 10 year old) makes me sad. Obviously she has been coached by some adult into believing that this is something 'bad'. Is it wrong to wear underwear? Is it a crime if the outline of what everyone knows you are wearing shows? No of course not. And it is time we taught our children that. I am not sure how many of us will be able to teach our children that however - because some things have been so strongly ingrained in us by society. But I know that eventually our children will teach us not to be embarrassed and hide what is physiological and normal. I have discovered this in my consultations with other teens. Many teen girls have been brought to me for counselling because they refuse to wax their legs before they wear shorts. And I am on their side. "If it is ok for you to see my brother's hairy legs - it should be ok for you to see mine too." They say. And they are right in my opinion. I think it is time women were accepted as they are - just like men are. With their body hair and hairy eyebrows and upper lips... And other things like accidentally stained dresses or inadvertently seen straps. In my experience it is not the boys who are making a big deal of this - they are happy to accept their friends like this. It is other girls and women who are objecting. And this must stop. What do you think? |
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