A panic stricken mom in tears tells me -
"When the pandemic began my son was only two and a half years old. I didn't want to pressurize him - so I just let him play all day." "I thought he would learn everything through play and I would send him to school when it begins offline. But this year I finally had to send him to online school - and I am shocked to see that he doesn't know anything compared to his other classmates. I am trying to teach him at home - but he doesn't remember anything I teach him. And he just does not want to make an effort to learn. I am so worried. I am constantly shouting at him and sometimes I even hit him when he doesn't listen. But nothing is working. What should I do?" As the pandemic stretches out and goes from months to years, many parents who started out on their child's learning journey calmly - determined to stay relaxed and not push their children - are beginning to panic. But panic is not helpful. If you panic and shout and scream and hit - your child - your child's brain will shut down and they will learn nothing. Remember - Learning is voluntary. You cannot force your child to learn. So stop shouting and hitting You can only make your child want to learn. So start smiling and being exciting and fun. If you feel you cannot control your urge to hit and shout - reach out for help. |
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