December was such an exciting month!
I went totally overboard with the celebrations as we saw the old year out because my heart was filled with gratitude and hope. I was on a real high as January began, and I thought up a whole lot of lofty New Year resolutions that were centered around doing everything that was ‘RIGHT’ and ‘GOOD’. I spent January diligently implementing my ambitious resolutions. And with all the effort that took – now, even before January has ended - I am already saying “PHEW!!!” ‘I need to re-energize myself’ – I am thinking. When, suddenly on my screen – pops up the word - KARNIVAL. It’s a word that brings an instant smile to my face and leaves me with twinkling eyes. Ever since I was a child – whether they began with the letter C or K - Carnivals have been such joyful experiences – that when I see the word now – I can’t but smile. And the Karnival that joyfully beckons to me from my screen now – is called KRACKERJACK. The KRACKERJACK KARNIVAL !! Just the name is beginning to lift my spirits and drive away my - ‘Too many resolutions that spell too much work and too little play’ January blues. Very aptly it is poised to happen on the 6th and 7th of February 2016 – right in the heart of Bangalore at the Jayamahal Palace. I hear, it’s going to be one of the biggest carnivals Bangalore has ever had and it will be the mega dose of festivity we all need to combat our January blues. I am definitely going to be there and I am listing out reasons why you should definitely make it too. 1. The Krackerjack Karnival is going to be a treasure trove of happiness Every once in a while all of us need a happiness recharge. As happy as we may be naturally - I firmly believe that as families and individuals we need to actively go out there every once in a while and grab happiness – give it a big hug and drag it home with us. It keeps us from feeling blue. And from the visuals that I see all over of previous Krackerjack Karnivals. It looks like it’s going to be a mega shot of happiness. Imagine a cool sunny morning, a festively decorated venue and a cartoon character walking up to greet you. It is a visual that has me smiling already. Imagine being surrounded by thousands of other smiling, laughing and excited families like you. It’s bound to make you happy because – as has been researched and proven – happiness is infectious – it is contagious. At a place where so many people have been bitten by the happiness bug – you can’t not catch it too. I am dying to catch the happiness bug – you must come and catch it too! 2. The Krackerjack Karnival is going to build lots of new neural connections in my brain As a conscientious parent I am committed to growing my daughter’s brain – but I do want to grow mine too. Yes – I may be forty years old – but my brain needs to grow too. What grows brains? Any brain at any age – forms a new connection every time you give it a new experience and that is how it grows. When I take my brain - that is used to living in front of the laptop, travelling the same route to the same workplace every day and cooking in the same kitchen every night – to the Karnival – I can actually picture it sitting up and taking notice. New sights! New sounds! New smells! New textures! I can almost hear it shout Wooooohooooooo!! I am going to grow today!! And then I see there are going to be a lot of workshops that will grow our brains too. Maybe we will decorate a cupcake together – me and my little one. And of course we are going to make our lopsided pots with the potter to carry home. Our brains are sure to thank us for the great experiences at the workshops. Be there if you want gratitude from your brain too! 3. The Krackerjack Karnival will be our ticket to a lot of shows Workday traffic is my nightmare. Is it yours too? Why traffic – fitting in anything besides work into my workday – is so stressful! Weekends aren’t much better – almost every weekend is busy too. And that is why I find it difficult to make it to all the dance shows and magic shows that I would love to go to. And that is why I am going to the Karnival – because they are having so many shows! A magic show – a puppet show – a dance show – story telling and so much more! All at the same venue! I am going to enjoy them all with my family. I think you should come too! 4. The Krackerjack Karnival is going to have Food….Food and more Food The Karnival is going to be my weekend break from cooking. It will be our chance to indulge our taste buds in our own ways – without the usual arguments about the impossibility of going to three different eating joints at the same meal – because there is going to be such an array of food to cater to all our tastes. And – most importantly with the happiness quotient running high – there will be absolutely no guilt as we dig into – not so great for the body – but superb for the soul food. I am hungry already. “Why isn’t the Karnival this weekend?” I am asking. See you there – if you are asking that question too. 5. See – Touch – Experience a demo and then Buy – That’s what the Krackerjack Karnival will allow me to do. As a parent – you need ‘Things’ – lots and lots of ‘Things’. Things that make your child happy – things that make your life easier – things that do all kinds of other magical things to make you look and feel like the best parent in the world (at least sometimes). I don’t know about you – but in the rush of day to day life – I usually have no time to discover and buy all these things. At the Karnival – there will be stalls selling all these ‘things’. I will be able to discover them, experience them first hand and come back with my bags full. All this while the rest of my family are occupied enough with fun things to not clutch and tug at me. Do you need things? Even if you don’t - it will be fun to experience new products and come back with samples. I am sure you will like that – so be there too. Reasons? Why am I giving you reasons? The Krackerjack Karnival is something nobody is going to miss for all these and so many other reasons. Block your calendar - see you soon! |
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