Share this right now if your child is being called
SELFISH or STUBBORN or SPOILT Share this now if you are being called a BAD PARENT Watch the other 3 tips on YouTube to build your childâs brain Make sure you follow me here and subscribe to my YouTube channel To learn PARENTING WITH NEUROSCIENCE If your child is always eating chocolates and sweets use my 3 S formula to end their Sugar craving29/12/2024
âIf your child is always eating chocolates and sweets use my 3 S formula to end their Sugar craving
Type STOP and share this now #parenting #healthyfood #sugar #junkfood
Type GOOD and share this now so that people STOP calling your child BAD
âHow can we ensure that our children STAND OUT?
We need to fill them with the courage to be DIFFERENT What is this courage? No. It is not the courage to say âI DONâT CAREâ. Because that courage is shallow and stressful. It is the courage to say âI CAREâ Because that courage is deep and enduring. It is the courage that parents have because they care so much about their child. It is the courage soldiers have because they care so much about their country. Can we build that courage in our children? Yes, we can. By teaching them to be INCLUSIVE. Fortunately, children are born inclusive. Unfortunately â it is very easy to turn them into intolerant individuals. Intolerance is dangerous because â 1. It locks us into the cage of sameness and stereotypes Believing in stereotypes can limit children and keep them from exploring their potential 2. It fills us with fear when we want to be different This fear results in children doing inappropriate things due to peer pressure 3. It makes us unempathetic The lack of empathy is a massive challenge because it keeps children from understanding others. This is a problem when they are learning because learning involves understanding what another person is trying to communicate. What can we do to make our children inclusive? 1. Stop punishing Every time we punish our child â we teach intolerance 2. Listen When we donât listen to our children â we teach them that being unempathetic is good 3. Donât gossip Gossip is built around laughing at people for being different and excluding them. When we gossip, we teach children that they will be laughed at if they dare to be different. Christmas brings us so many reminders to be inclusive so I had to write this today. Do you believe in the power of inclusion? I would love to know. #inclusion #diversity #christmas #diversityandinclusion#corporateworkshop
What can GRANDPARENTS do to make a child SUCCESSFUL?
3 super simple things Watch the reel to find out #grandparents #inlaws #neuroscience #braindevelopment
Use my NEUROSCIENCE based 5 E formula The 1st E is EXHAUSTION Make sure your toddler does not get exhausted The 2nd E is EXPLAIN Tell your child about where you are going and what will happen there The 3rd E is EXPECT Expect your toddler to get upset when unexpected things happen. Tell your toddler what to do when they get upset The 4th E is EVERYDAY Use a soft voice to speak to your toddler at home every day. If you shout at home they will not listen to you when you speak softly outside The 5th E is EXCITED Show your toddler how to get excited without touching things and shouting. I have explained how to do each E in detail in a You Tube video To watch the YouTube video â Go to YouTube Type Dr Debmita Dutta Click on my channel Hit the subscribe button Watch the video âHow to make your toddler behave well when you go outâ Type NOTED and share this now so that those who criticise your toddler understand that your toddler is not bad. Follow me for more #toddler #tantrum #parenting
My manifestation for YOU the amazing PARENTS
From the red carpet of #whosnext2024 By @whosthat360 @ndtv @ndtvindia Manifesting LOVE and HAPPINESS instead of FRUSTRATION And FEAR Type MANIFEST and make it happen now May 2025 be the year of easy and enjoyable parenting #parenting #redcarpet #awardsnight
Are you spending a LOT of MONEY on GIFTS
To make your child happy? And are you sad and disappointed that your child is just becoming more and more UNHAPPY? Don't label your child UNGRATEFUL and ENTITLED Find out what you can GIFT your child to make them GREAT Yes!!! These GIFTS can make your child GREAT Watch the whole video on YOUTUBE Subscribe to my channel to learn Parenting with Neuroscience Share this with those who are giving your child chocolates and gadgets so that they understand that they are wrong And what they really need to GIFT your child to make them GREAT Follow me for more
Don't label your ACTIVE preschooler HYPERACTIVE
Use the term HYPERACTIVE only if your child has been assessed by an expert and diagnosed. Please also remember that you can help your child with therapies if they are Hyperactive #hyperactive #adhd #games #Focus
Don't get angry if your Toddler says NO
Learn how to use this phase to build important skills Type WOW if you have learnt something new from this reel Share this so that people STOP CRITICISING Your child and calling them STUBBORN Watch the full video on YouTube Subscribe to my YouTube channel @drdebmitadutta so that you never miss such important videos that can completely change your parenting experience #toddlerparenting #discipline #separationanxiety |
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